Change Logs

Get the latest info about Mythbot Raido's Updates. This Page includes info relating last 4 updates only!

Latest Version 2.0.1

What's New?

In recent major updates to discord with the Introduction of Slash commands, We have decided to slowly move Mythbot Radio to have the ability to use Slash commands.

Other Changes

We have also as you can see revamped our website again to make it more user friendly, In order to gain information easier and faster, We are also accepting suggestions of what type of features you want to see, In order ensure a user friendly bot.

Important Info

At this time Mythbot Radio slash commands are not enabled while we do extensive bug testing and fixes to ensure a clear use.

Version 2.0.2

What's New?

We have gone ahead and replaced our website fully. Small minor bug fixes to our radio command along with better audio output to ensure smooth listening.

Other Changes

Minor fixes that need to be noted, most of the dead stations have been replaced. check out m!stations for a list of the new stations.

Important Info

We have revamped our discord, Mythbot Radio will not change name, Voltic Development is the HQ for all our projects *Inc Mythbot Radio.

Version 2.0.3

What's New?

We have update m!stats & m!donate commands to a more clean design. We are introducing the modmail feature, With our modmail feature you will be able to request support direct from your discord. Just simply Send Mythbot Radio a Direct Message & follow the steps.

Other Changes

We have improved a lot of the audio api of Mythbot Radio to preform better when using the new discord.js v13 voice system.
We have also improved a lot of the error handling events to prevent random crashes/restarts,

Important Info

Our radio command due to the cause of Discord classing the event as a Spam due to voice connecting and disconnecting.
There for we have added a usage cooldown on m!radio. This will be placed in testing and I will be keeping my eye on performance improvements.

Version 2.0.4

What's New?

We have gone ahead and rebuilt many of our commands. m!updates to see more details on our updated commands and events. This command will be updated often to ensure all changelogs are visible.

Other Changes

We have made soem small changes to our website. Adding better responsive navbar, Moving sections to better locations while adding more discord bot list widgets to help gain votes to support us in our growth.

Important Info

We have added more logs to the backend, We now store your serverID, userID, Username, #0000, This is is so we are able to display your username at all times including when your Username Object.